Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Big Fat Worldwide Film Review: Watch Our Movie, Send Us Your Thoughts

Elevation from Roundtable Pictures on Vimeo.

Now, we’re going to put ourselves on the line. We’re going to post our latest short film, and we want everyone to look at it, think about it, and let us know what you feel. We are not asking you to sugarcoat your thoughts. Lay it out there. Forward the film to family, friends – anyone who you think is interested in film.

Tell us how you feel about the writing, the lighting, the photography, the acting, the story, the concept, the execution. Anything.

The film is called “Elevation” and it’s about 8 minutes long. It features the acting of Lisa Stathoplos and Greg Trzaskowski. It was written by Lars Trodson and directed by Mike Gillis. That’s our little team. We were the entire film crew, and editors and we chose the costumes and the music, and we all talked about the look and feel of the film. There is nothing about the film that we didn’t plan – but whether we pulled it off or not is up to you to decide.

We want to hear from you because here is what happened. We made the film and sent it around to about 15 film festivals, both large and small alike. And we were not accepted to any. Not one. The problem is there is never any feedback. You simply get a little notice that says you didn’t make the cut. That’s after you fork over your dough.

Now – please understand this – we are extremely aware of the film’s attributes and its shortcomings. We know exactly where we think we came up short, but that’s only our point of view.

And people who have an interest in movies – certainly the people who visit us here at Roundtable Pictures – are articulate and thoughtful about them. So we are turning to you. Be as vague or as specific as you like. But please let us know.

The movie is appropriate for any age. Watch it once, twice, think about it.

We want to hear what you think, and then we’ll post our analysis based on what we’ve heard.

Thanks – from the “Elevation” team.